

This game uses a total 36 cards: one card 1, two cards 2, three 3, four of 4, five cards of 5, six of 6 and 7, 8. These cards shuffle and pick up eight cards with keeping back. And you place it orderly in a vertical column on the table. It’s called “X CARDs.” The starting player begins the game. The other players follow in clockwise order. You have to sort the right order the “X cards” to 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 from the top with your friends. This is sort game. This game separates into three levels.(About these levels references “Difference of Game Level” part in the manual.) So, change the level by the number of players and player skills. You must not talk about X cards number in players!


①Please select the game level.

②36 cards are shuffled. You place eight cards from the top of it orderly in a vertical column. These cards called “X cards” and X cards is called “X1, X2, X3… X7, X8” from the top.

③All the remaining 28 cards deals players(There is a number of card difference.) It called “Player card.”

④Please determine play turn, and play. Each player selects one in only the two actions. Action is “Trade”: Change the X card to your card. “Sort”: replace selected X card with next to the X card. After a player’s action, the player discards a card in the player cards. It’s shown players and sorted. One player play a action, and next player. “The game end” was discarded all player cards all of the players. Let’s open the X cards from the top.

Game Design/aiukao Publish/2018/11

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