Book Worm

The Tail

It’s a Long time ago story. In a certain place,there was a girl who loved books. She was called by everyone “Book Worm”,because she always went to school library and borrowed a lot of books everyday. One day, She suddenly disappeared. Nobody knew her whereabouts. Everyone talks to about her disappearance away from school like spirit person. Something magical happened and,the book she borrowed last,was returned to the Bookshelf school library. Few decades later,the story of the girl “Book Worm” continued in the school library by everyone as ghost story. One day, a boy said to many student.Let’s play the game to find out the location of the “Book Worm” that was last borrowed by the girl named “Book Worm”. Then,they started play the game.


Players place BOOK cards orderly in a horizontal row on the table. The cards are called Bookshelf.When game is started,player will always pick cards from Bookshelf on the table, which means borrowing a Book from Bookshelf. Any player who picks up a joker card that is written “Book Worm” in Japanese character “本の虫” with a red color stripe on top.


Game Design/Apri Illustration/Shimesu Publish/2017/12

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